The Last Jedi will start the Faction Season which allows players to pick either the Resistance or the First Order. Now data miners have uncovered more information regarding the DLC. When first announced by DICE and EA they confirmed that Captain Phasma and Finn would join the hero roster along with planet Crait, which was shown in the trailers for The Last Jedi, will be added as a destination. New details regarding the DLC has been discovered by data miners. Also I believe I used the reduced damage on Survivor card, but I've also used the reduced heat as well.Star Wars Battlefront 2 negative reception hasn't stopped the developers behind the game. I used the increased rotation speed, and the longer stun time for the droid.
Also, Yoda is vulnerable to the staff while he is absorbing damage, so it can be a great move if they are just absorbing your droids fire. It can be great for attacking someone from behind. Try not to rely on the staff much at the beginning, but practice using it from time to time to get the hang of it. The last strike can do a ton of damage, but not taking damage in the process is really hard. You also can't see your health while scoped, so be careful about taking too much blaster fire. The scope is weird because it's not first person like the trooper scopes, so you have to compensate a small amount. So try to commit to shooting at someone's head and holding down the trigger. If you're not aware, the gun gets a lot more accurate the longer you fire it. Try to roll behind him and wait until he is stunned and then fire at him. Obviously for Yoda, don't fire at him ever when he is absorbing shots. By the time you turn around they'll be stunned and you can get more shots on them. If they are attacking you straight, roll toward them and through them. If you're being attacked by a saber hero, remember to always roll within your droid's radius. However, it does need line of sight to electrocute and shoot people, so think carefully about that cover. Blaster heroes will start targeting your droid once they realize it's really slowing down their team. Also, when you have the option, try to give it a small amount of cover from blaster fire.
You can't deploy it while rolling on the ground, so it does take some foresight when to deploy it properly. However, you have to be upright to put it down.
You can really take control of the battle if you just throw that thing down in the middle of it. Get used to blowing it up and relocating it.
As opposed to setting the droid in one spot and staying there the entire match. It really slows down the other team, and gives my team a huge boost. My favorite tactic in HvV is to run to the fight and set the droid down. The key to Phasma is to use the droid effectively. I primarily play HvV, so that's where this advice is coming from btw: